My Creations


I create lesson plans.

I create schedules.

I create lists.

I create meals.

I create organization from chaos.

I create chaos from organization.

I create a purpose for old things.

I create cozy spaces.

I create blog posts.

I create songs in the shower.

I create reasons to worry.

I create prayers.

I create memories.


4 responses »

  1. For someone who creates, if you haven’t read the first 2 pages of Chapter 13 of EAST OF EDEN lately, I recommend it. “Sometimes a kind of glory lights up the mind of man…” My favorite piece on creativity.

  2. Two of your couplets really resonated with me:

    “I create organization from chaos.
    I create chaos from organization.”


    “I create prayers.
    I create memories.”

    Thank you for that 🙂

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